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World War 1&2

World War 1

World war 1 was a world conflict that broken in the year of 1914-1918. Some general causes why the war can happened, like the conflict among Europe countries, the existence of military alliance Europe and the appearance of arm race. But the direct cause of the war was  the murderer of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo. It happened when the Archduke, Franz Ferdinand was visiting the military training he was murderer by, Gavrillo Princip. Because for Serbia, the military training that had done by Austrian army was assumed as to show of Austrian  army’s power. So because that accident, Austria demanded Serbia to give the murderer in one month. However, that demand was neglected by Serbia supported by Russia. For that reason, Austria declared war to Serbia. And after that, because military alliance caused the conflict soon spread worldwide. The war had involved many country and covered large area, like France, Germany, British, USA, Japan,etc. this global military conflict assembled in two opposing alliances: Triple alliance consist of Germany,Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Bulgary, and

Italy. But finally Italy joined Entente Cordiale because they wanted South Tirol, Istria, Dalmatia from Austria . now Triple Estente consisted of France, Belgium, British,Serbia, Russia, USA, and Japan. USA just declared war after its commercial ship (Lusitania) was sunk by German Navy. Japan joined to fight against Germany because they wanted German colony in Far East. The condition of world war1, sorldiers made tranches for protecting from enemy shots.

World war 1 involving many countries was divided into several front. Like Western Battlefield German army successfully occupied and invade France that was commanded by General Von Moltke could be block by France army. Us army commanded by General John J Pershing and British commanded by General Allenby could force Germny defense. Then Eastern Battlefield. Russia commanded by General Brusilov could force Geman army but it could be destroyed by German army. Finally, Naval Battlefield when German made many the Triple Entente commercial ships sunk.
The end of world war 1:Defeat of Triple Alliance side, League of Nation was established, were  made Treaty of Versailles, etc. But actually, League of Nations could not solve Internasional disputes. Therefore, it disbanded in 1946 because it unable to solve all problems existing in Europe at that time. Finally world war 2 broken.

World war 2
World war 2 was military global conflict that happened from September 1st 1939 until September 2nd 1945. It is the biggest war that ever had in the world. The war which happened in Europe was caused by German attack to Poland on 1st September 1939. World war 2 in Asia Pacific caused by Japanese attack US navy  Base in Pearl Harbour, Hawai on 7th December 1941.
            World war 2 involved two blocks, the Axis consisting of fascims countries and the Allies consisting of British empire, France, Russia, USA, China, and Australia.

          The Background of World War 2

German Under the Leadership of Hitler. Because the defeat in World wr1, German suffered destruction in all factor. It made new extreme party in 1919 with Adolf Hitler as the leader. And he said that misery that suffered by German people was a result of war defeat and economics riot by the communism and Jew. He led Germany with iron hand. He applied its expansion policy entitled Lebensraum.

Japan under the leadership of Hirihito. It was a period of new generation government in Japan. There ws a doctrine called Hackho I Chiu becoming execution guidance expansion and imperialism politics in Asia Pacific.

Italy under the leadership of Benito Mussolini
He grabs government power from King Victor Immanuel 3 and called him self Il Duce.

Chronology of World War II
In the event of World War II, the attitude of the United States sided with the democratic bloc allies include the UK, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium. It can be seen from some form of assistance given as follows:
a. Receive Lend Lease Act by Congress. This legislation gives authority to the president to sell, lend, rent and also redeem its armament ammunition needed by the democratic bloc allies. In addition, the United States is also prepared escorting ships carrying the war to the allies and willing to undermine the German navy to seize German ships in the harbor.
 b. Helping people to create a democracy in a way against its leaders in several countries to defend themselves as the country's dictator.
A. World War II in Europe
World War II in Europe began on 1 September 1939 when Germany invaded or controlled (annexation) Port Gdansk (Poland) which is considered as his own before World War I, Austria and the Sudeten region (Czechoslovakia). German military aggression is seen by all parties as a sign of the beginning of the outbreak of World War II in Europe.
Chronology of World War II . Happens In Europe:
 a. September 3rd 1939: Britain and France declare war on Germany.
 b. June 10th, 1940: Italy declares war on Britain and France.
 c. June 22th, 1940: Germany and Italy join forces capable of conquering France.
 d. april 6th 1941: German forces occupied Greece, Yugoslavia, and Egypt.
 e. September 8th 1941: German troops occupied the Ukraine and Russia.
 f. October 23th, 1942: The joint forces Allies-the United States led by Montgomery
 (UK) and Eisenhower (United States) defeated the combined forces of Germany and Italy.
 g. May 1th, 1944: Italy surrendered to the Allies-the United States of America.
 h. June 6th, 1944: The joint forces Allies-the United States on a large scale attack Germany.
 i. April 30th, 1945: Hitler died by committing suicide in his bunker.
 j. May 7th, 1945: Germany surrenders to the Allies-the United States and World War II ended the European region.
 B. World War II in Asia Pacific.
World War II in the Asia Pacific region starting on December 7, 1941 local time, marked by the Japanese invaded naval base of the United States at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii which is considered a strong rival. Japan's military aggression is a sign of the outbreak of World War II in Asia Pacific.
 a. December 7th, 1941: Japan invaded the naval base of the United States at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii.
b. Year 1941-1944: Japanese overran a vast territory covering the entire Southeast Asia region and the East China region. At that time, the United States and European nations who managed to escape to build defenses in Australia.
 c. July 1944: U.S. forces led by General Mac Arthur to the tactics of war "Skip Frogs' defense attacked Japan on the island of Saipan (Mariana Islands) fought in the Pacific and Coral Sea. At that time, Japan suffered defeat and Saipan Island successfully occupied the United States.

d. August 6th, 1945: City of Hiroshima atomic bomb was sentenced by United States and followed on August 9, 1945 atomic bombed Nagasaki City's turn. Both cities are destroyed and crippled Japanese military installations.
e. August 14th, 1945: Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Allies.
f. September 2nd1945: Japan signed a peace treaty aboard Missouri of United States, and World War II in the Asia-Pacific War.

          World war 2 won by the Allies and ended by signing of two peace treaties. Treaty of Postdam (1945) and Treaty of San Fransisco (1951). This war also pushe the bird of new nations, including Indonesia and also pushed the forming of United Nations organization.
          In Indonesia, the occupation of Japanese army very influenced social, economic,  and political life of Indonesia nation. Indonesian people were more suffering and poore as effects of policies applied by Japanese imperialism.


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